
Solaceisn'taSilenceoftheLambssequelinwhichHopkinsgetstoreprisetheroleofHannibalLecter.Buthecomesprettydamncloseinthisludicrousmurder ...,Solaceisa2015AmericanmysterythrillerfilmdirectedbyAfonsoPoyartandstarringAnthonyHopkins,ColinFarrell,JeffreyDeanMorganandAbbieCornish ...,Apsychicdoctor,JohnClancy(SirAnthonyHopkins),workswithanF.B.I.SpecialAgent(JeffreyDeanMorgan)insearchofserialkillerCharle...


Solace isn't a Silence of the Lambs sequel in which Hopkins gets to reprise the role of Hannibal Lecter. But he comes pretty damn close in this ludicrous murder ...

Solace (2015 film)

Solace is a 2015 American mystery thriller film directed by Afonso Poyart and starring Anthony Hopkins, Colin Farrell, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Abbie Cornish ...

Solace (2015)

A psychic doctor, John Clancy (Sir Anthony Hopkins), works with an F.B.I. Special Agent (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in search of serial killer Charles Ambrose (Colin ...

Solace (2015)

SOLACE DESCRIPTION A psychic doctor, John Clancy (Sir Anthony Hopkins), works with an F.B.I. Special Agent (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in search of serial killer ...

【藍光電影】BD50 通靈神探安慰Solace (2015) 124

導演: 阿方索·博亞爾特編劇: 肖恩·拜利/ 泰德·格裡芬主演: 安東尼·霍普金斯/ 科林·法瑞爾/ 傑弗裡·迪恩·摩根/ 艾比·考尼什/ 瑪麗·謝爾頓/ 山德·貝克利/ 何塞·巴勃羅·坎 ...

藍光電影???? [英] 通靈神探(Solace) (2015)

產品編號影片名稱[英] 通靈神探(Solace) (2015) 影片選單無(去選單) 字幕英/ 繁中碟片規格BD25 X 1 備註一系列手法怪異且毫無動機的連環殺人案讓FBI特別行動組特工喬( ...